Friday, April 29, 2011

What's the difference between East and West?

I found this humorous link that illustrates the culture gap between the East (red color) and West (blue color).

The first picture is "What's trendy" and the second picture is "Child".
The third picture is "While waiting in line" and the fourth picture is "Sunday afternoon".

1 comment:

  1. I love it! This is so funny, I even re-posted it on my own blog. Although it's funny that this illustration points out the differences between the Eastern and Western culture, I think there is also an importance to it. Often times, Westerners will call Easterners rude because of the extreme difference in way of life and vice versa. However, I do not believe there is a right way or wrong way to do things, it's just a difference in culture. I am Chinese and I can see why Americans would think that Asians are rude, but at the same time I understand why Asians act the way they do because I come from an Asian background. Instead of criticizing other cultures, I think others should try to be more understanding of foreign cultures. This is even more important in the business world because international deals are always being negotiated and differences in cultures could create tension.
