Monday, April 25, 2011

Bold Claim: Nintendo 3DS Are Good For Kids?

One of my gamer friends showed me this article to convince me that video games have more benefits than people think! Really? I personally question the true intentions behind these "US optometrists" that gave this recommendation.

To sum it up, the claim here is that the new Nintendo's 3DS can help detect eye problems in young kids at an early stage. 
An earlier report that had the upcoming Nintendo 3DS gaming console's screen bad for the eyes of users, especially those of children under six, is being discounted by US optometrists. USAToday reported on Friday that manufacturer's warnings don't need to be followed for undeveloped vision of the young kids. Eye specialists suggested the just the opposite and condoned the use of the game consoles by that age group, as it could help parents catch vision disorders early.
"The 3DS could be a godsend for identifying kids under six who need vision therapy," said Michael Duenas, associate director for health sciences and policy for the American Optometric Association.
 If you were a parent, would this article convince you to let your kids play video games?

1 comment:

  1. Video games have more positive affects than people might originally realize. For children with inferiority complexes, lack of self-confidence is altered by giving the child a sense of participation and achievement, thus building his or her self confidence. Video games also have a great affect on hand eye coordination. In addition, a study (in which surgeons who played video games were compared to surgeons who didn't in terms of performance) in 2004 conducted by Butch Rosser, a surgeon of Laparoscopy, showed that the surgeons who did play video games made less mistakes than those who didn't. Take that parents!
