Monday, April 25, 2011

Water for Elephants

I watched  Water for Elephants during its opening weekend! The story goes something like this: "A veterinary student abandons his studies after his parents are killed and joins a traveling circus as their vet." It is based on a New York Times bestseller and features a star-studded cast: Robert Pattinson, Reese Witherspoon, and my favorite villain playing actor, Christopher Waltz. My friend who loved the book dragged me to see the movie and of course, I went along to see the handsome R-Pat in action.

The movie brought back nostalgic feelings of me going to the circus as a young girl. I loved the scene when Rosie, the elephant, stood on her front legs. I couldn't help but let out a "wow" when I saw it. It reminds me how much I loved the circus!

I'm also glad to hear that no animals were harmed during the filming process. According to E! as we know it, "the perception of abuse was created using makeup, fake blood, computer-generated images and post-production sound effects. Read a report from on the set of “Water for Elephants” and a detailed description of how the animal action was achieved safely at"

Overall, the movie was good (3.5 out of 5 stars). If you find yourself at the theater but nothing appeals to you, then give this a try. For me, it was a little too reminiscent of Big Fish and The Notebook. Yet, Water for Elephants didn't leave me with an impressionable memory as the other two movies did. Nonetheless, I did recommend the movie to those that are anti-Edward Cullen fans. Robert Pattison's acting has improved since Twilight!

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