Wednesday, March 2, 2011

iPad 2.0

The highly anticipated iPad 2 was unveiled today at Apple's exclusive launch event. Guess the rumours were true this time!

If you'd like to witness the unveiling, you can see Apple's iPad 2 keynote live on Apple's website in iTunes. 

iPad 2

This Wall Street Journal article has a brief description of what to expect of the upgraded  iPad:

"The iPad 2, which like its predecessors starts at $499, will ship in the U.S. on March 11 and in 26 more countries on March 25. It comes with front and rear cameras—addressing an omission in the initial model—and a new Apple-designed chip that Mr. Jobs said performs standard calculations twice as fast as its predecessor and offers a nine-fold boost in graphics performance."

1 comment:

  1. the most recent quarter earning is almost doubled due to its increasing sales of iPhone4 after cooperating with another broadcast company Verizon Wireless. However, the iPad2 sale was under expectation and the company executive responses that it is due to the supply chain problem from Japan. Although i am not sure how much impact it imposes on the change of supply, i believe that the sales under expectation was mainly because of the limited new features compared to iPad1. Similar to iPad2, i believe that the new iPhone4 in white could not help the company generate large earning. I am looking forward to the release of the iPhone 5 in summer.
