Monday, May 9, 2011

Gov. Shwarznegger hits Splitsville

This will probably be my last post on this blog for awhile. However, this momentous news is so shocking that I must record it here.

CNN just released the news that Arnold Schwarznegger and his wife Maria Shriver have "split amicably." The Schwarzeneggers have just celebrated their 25 years of marriage two weeks ago. Reported by CNN, "At this time, we are living apart, while we work on the future of our relationship."

This is very sad news and I wish Arnold and his family the best. 

LinkedIn is Worth $3 Billion?

Wow, I'm not sure who's doing the valuations these days but it seems that every social network website is worth billions! That's right, maybe I'm in the wrong major here. But I'll definitely remember to tell kids that Computer Science is the way to go.

According to WSJ, LinkedIn is seeking an IPO worth $3 billion! Now, considering how Gilt Groupe received $138 million in funding, $3 billion doesn't seem too ludicrous.
LinkedIn said Monday it plans to sell 7.84 million shares at an estimated price range of $32 to $35 apiece, raising as much as $274 million. The price range values the entire company between $3 billion and $3.3 billion. The shares will trade on the New York Stock Exchange under the symbol LNKD.
However, buyers beware. I'm skeptical of the recent social media bubble with Facebook and Twitter. Let's not repeat what happened in another dot-com fiasco please.

Amy Chua On Stephen Colbert